Character Profile

In the unforgiving realm of Westeros, where mortality dances with ambition, Sandor Clegane, known infamously as The Hound, strides through the tumult with an imposing presence shaped by violence and struggle. Wounded as a child by the flames ignited by his sadistic brother, Gregor, Sandor carries the scars of his past as fiercely as he bears the weight of his imposing armor—a living portrait of survival marred by trauma. His fear of fire stands as a reminder of the cruel family ties that have shackled him throughout his life. Despite serving as the brutal enforcer for the ruthless House Lannister and the vicious bodyguard to Joffrey Baratheon, inside this armored shell lies a tormented soul wrestling with his humanity. His unexpected protectiveness towards the Stark sisters—Sansa and Arya—reveals a softness within the heart of a man hardened by a tumultuous existence, oscillating between savagery and honor in a world defined by its chaos. Sandor's journey, marked by betrayal, combat, and complex emotional bonds, ultimately leads him toward a quest for redemption. In the final confrontation against his brother, the flames that once tormented him become a battleground for vengeance, illustrating the unpredictable currents of heroism hidden within the shadows of his past.