Character Profile

Sara 'Sway' Wayland emerges from the metal and oil of the underground world, a shadowy figure cloaked in the allure of rebellion and speed. In the frenetic cosmos of car theft and high-speed pursuits, Sway stands as a magnetic character embodying both charm and grit. A skilled mechanic by day and a daring member of high-stakes heists by night, she weaves seamlessly between grease-stained hands and glamorous escapades. Echoing like the rev of engines, Sway’s laughter is tinged with a blend of femininity and ferocity, ultimately revealing her complexities. Her past as Memphis Raines' former flame adds emotional depth, a tether to memories that flicker like neon against the Los Angeles skyline—a city where trust and loyalty are often elusive. A self-proclaimed expert in her domain, she quips, 'What do you think is more exciting...having sex or stealing cars?'—an embodiment of her thrill-seeking worldview. Sway fiercely protects her friends and navigates the turbulent waters of love and crime with a loyal heart and a lingering sense of romance, making her a unique figure in a male-dominated realm, as she stands tall amidst chaos, a testament to independence and resilience.