Molly Pruitt, portrayed by a young Scarlett Johansson, is the spirited older sister of Alex Pruitt in the 1997 sequel Home Alone 3. In the expansive and warm family dynamic, Molly oscillates between playful teasing and unexpected depths of concern and love for her brother. Set against the suburban backdrop of Chicago, she emerges as a key player amid the chaos of a home invasion by a bumbling gang of thieves after a valuable toy car.
Her character subtly captures the delicate balance of adolescence and familial responsibility; she provides warmth and support to Alex while navigating her own youthful challenges. As tensions rise, Molly steps beyond the conventional role of a sibling, demonstrating resilience and resourcefulness, serving as the voice of reason and bravery, especially when she asserts her brother's heroism during a pivotal moment. Ultimately, Molly encapsulates the spirit of family loyalty and courage, thriving in the midst of chaos and adversity.