Character Profile

In the precarious world of adolescence, where the lines between camaraderie and conflict blur, Miles stands as a young idealist caught in the tumult of teenage angst. A numeric embodiment of innocence and burgeoning creativity, he finds solace in the fantasy world that his friends and he attempt to create through their DIY filmmaking endeavors. His character embodies the exuberance and defiance that often accompany teenage existence.

On the surface, he is a foul-mouthed young boy whose penchant for swearing injects crass humor into their adventures. Yet beneath this bravado lies a raw, palpable insecurity typical of youth. When left unattended during his sister's Halloween party, he seizes opportunities for adventure, immersing himself in chaos marked by alien encounters. Miles embodies duality: serving as both the comic relief—often lacking self-awareness—and a catalyst for impulsive decisions that lead to trouble.

His energy becomes a rallying point for his companions, highlighting his adventure-seeking spirit amid extraterrestrial threats. While confronting the absurdities of the world, he grapples with growing up, reflecting on friendships, fears, and the harsh realities of adolescence.