Character Profile

In the unforgiving expanse of a post-apocalyptic landscape, Lance Hornsby emerges as a figure encased in complexity, embodying the duality of human ambition and morality. A loyal servant within The Commonwealth, his journey reveals a blend of charm and cunning, couched in an insatiable hunger for authority that speaks to a childhood shaped by disparities of class and unreciprocated admiration for the Milton family. He navigates the treacherous waters of alliances and betrayals with an artful finesse, often balancing his own survival against the lives of others in a desperate bid for influence that ultimately leads to his tragic downfall. Hornsby's character development unfolds as he orchestrates manipulative schemes and pragmatic alliances, yet remains blind to the inevitable consequences of his overreaching ambitions.

His demise at the hands of an ally, marked by an arrow piercing through the neck, serves as a poetic irony—an end befitting a man who sought to control the chaos surrounding him, only to become a victim of it.