In the wild and tumultuous world of the Continent, where sorcery and savagery intertwine, Geralt of Rivia emerges as a lone figure, a wandering sword of fate finding his way through the blood and chaos left in the wake of humanity's often bleak designs. Born a mutant in the trials of the grasses, he is a monster-hunter, trained from a young age to battle the frightful creatures that lurk in the shadows of his homeland. Clad in a rugged leather armor, he strides with a resignation that comes from years navigating a world rife with monsters and madness.
His white hair, a testament to the agonizing transformations he endured, tells tales of the battles fought, both against beasts and the darker aspects of humanity. Despite the violence in his life, Geralt possesses a deeply moral core, contemplating the essence of humanity and loyalty amidst a backdrop of war and strife. His relationship with Cirilla, his adopted daughter, binds him in a strong bond, making him a melancholic but fierce guardian.
Intertwined in his fate are encounters with Yennefer, his tempestuous and ethereal lover, each choice echoing back through the threads of destiny, revealing a man profoundly shaped by those around him, yet wrestling with a fate he appears destined to fulfill.