Explore 13 Connecticut filming locations


Bridgeport, CT, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Bridgeport, Connecticut, US


Derby, CT, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Derby, Connecticut, US


Essex, CT, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Essex, Connecticut, US

Fairfield County

Fairfield County, CT, USA
1 more specific film locations in Fairfield County, Connecticut, US
2 movies & TV shows filmed here in Fairfield County, Connecticut, US

Greenwich, Connecticut

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA

Groton Long Point

Groton Long Point, Groton, CT 06340, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Groton Long Point, Groton, Connecticut, US


Mystic, Stonington, CT, USA
1 more specific film locations in Mystic, Stonington, Connecticut, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Mystic, Stonington, Connecticut, US

New Haven

New Haven, CT, USA
1 more specific film locations in New Haven, Connecticut, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in New Haven, Connecticut, US


Stamford, CT, USA
2 movies & TV shows filmed here in Stamford, Connecticut, US


Waterford, CT, USA
1 more specific film locations in Waterford, Connecticut, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Waterford, Connecticut, US
Movies filmed in Connecticut
The Good Nurse poster

The Good Nurse


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