Explore 4 Falmouth filming locations

Hampden Wharf Jetty, Falmouth

Falmouth, Jamaica
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Hampden Wharf Jetty, Falmouth, Falmouth, Trelawny Parish, JM

Kananga's Cliff

Falmouth, Jamaica
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Kananga's Cliff, Falmouth, Trelawny Parish, JM

Vanzie Swamp Salt Marsh, Falmouth

Falmouth, Jamaica
1 more specific film locations in Vanzie Swamp Salt Marsh, Falmouth, Falmouth, Trelawny Parish, JM
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Vanzie Swamp Salt Marsh, Falmouth, Falmouth, Trelawny Parish, JM
Movies filmed in Falmouth
Live and Let Die poster

Live and Let Die

PG 06/27/1973

More specific Falmouth filming locations: