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Featuring 3 movies & TV shows filmed in Greystone Park & Mansion
The Social Network
More specific Greystone Park & Mansion filming locations:
- Andover, Massachusetts, USA
- Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, US
- Cambridge, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
- Citizen Smith Restaurant, USA Restaurant where Mark bumps into Erica
- Dorney Lake, UK
- Downtown, Los Angeles, California, US
- Exchange LA Nightclub, USA Nightclub scene
- Glendale, California, Glendale, California, US Police station
- Greystone Park & Mansion, Beverly Hills, California, US Interior
- Henley-on-Thames, UK
- Johns Hopkins University, USA Campus scenes
- Kirkland House, USA Zuckerberg's Harvard University dormitory
- Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, California, US
- Medford, Massachusetts, USA
- Pasadena Masonic Lodge, USA
- Pasadena Museum of History, USA
- Phillips Academy, USA John Harvard statue scene
- Santa Monica Bay Woman's Club, USA Bill Gates lecture
- Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
- The Thirsty Scholar, USA Opening scene interior of the bar where Erica breaks up with Mark
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, US
- Wheelock College, USA
- Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles, California, US A Capella concert scene
The Prestige
More specific Greystone Park & Mansion filming locations:
- Belasco Theatre - 1060 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles, California, US
- Brownstone Street, Backlot, Universal City, California, US London street scenes
- California, US
- Colorado, US
- Dijon Street, Burbank, California, US Studio
- Downey Studios, Downey, California, US Studio
- Downey, California, US
- Downtown, Los Angeles, California, US
- Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, Colorado, US Train scenes
- Greystone Park & Mansion, Beverly Hills, California, US Angier and Cutter meet at the mansion
- Herald Examiner - 1111 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, California, US Restaurant scenes
- Hollywood Forever Cemetery - 6000 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, California, US Julia McCullough's funeral scene
- Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, US
- Koreatown, Los Angeles, California, US
- Los Angeles Theatre - 615 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, California, US Angier performs the Disappearing Man trick at the start of the movie
- Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, California, US
- Merry-Go-Round, Los Angeles, California, US Borden talks to Fallon at a merry-go-round
- Mount Wilson, California, US Electric light fields
- New York Street, Backlot, Universal City, California, US
- Palace Theater, Los Angeles, California, US Milton performs water tank trick
- Park Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California, US Royal Albert Hall scenes
- Pasadena, California, Pasadena, California, US
- Redstone Castle, Redstone Historic District, Colorado, US Redstone Castle
- Redstone, Redstone Historic District, Colorado, US
- Rockwell Defense Plant, Downey, California, US Studio
- Spring Street Towers - 650 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, US Courtroom & bar
- Telluride, Colorado, Telluride, Colorado, US
- Tower Theatre - 802 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, California, US Chung Ling Soo performs goldfish bowl trick
- United States
- Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, California, US Studio
Air Force One
More specific Greystone Park & Mansion filming locations:
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, US Presidential palace, Kazakhstan
- Channel Islands, California, US Cable extended fron an MC139 to the 747
- Cleveland, Ohio, US
- Culver City, California, US
- Fox Hills Park, Culver City, California, US
- Greystone Park & Mansion, Beverly Hills, California, US
- Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, California, US Moscow airport scenes
- Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, California, US
- Mansfield Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio, US Russian prison scene
- Moscow, RU Some exteriors
- Red Square, Moskva, RU Second unit
- Rickenbacker Airport, Columbus, Ohio, US Ramstein AFB, Germany scenes
- Russia
- Sony Pictures Studios, Culver City, California, US Studio; studio: stage 15
- The Ebell of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, US Opening Speech in Moscow
- United States
- White House, Washington, District of Columbia, US