Explore 93 Illinois filming locations

120 . Main St. West Dundee, Illinois

1 movie or TV show filmed here in 120 . Main St. West Dundee, Illinois, USA

3450 W. Touhy Avenue

3450 W Touhy Ave, Lincolnwood, IL 60712, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in 3450 W. Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood, Illinois, US

4747 West Dempster Street

4747 W Dempster St, Morton Grove, IL 60053, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in 4747 West Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois, US


Bannockburn, IL 60015, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Bannockburn, Illinois, US

Bay City, Illinois

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Bay City, Illinois, USA


Champaign, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Champaign, Illinois, US

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, IL, USA
48 more specific film locations in Chicago, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, US
26 movies & TV shows filmed here in Chicago, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, US

Chicago, Illinois 60608

Chicago, IL 60608, USA
1 more specific film locations in Chicago, Illinois 60608, Chicago, Illinois, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Chicago, Illinois 60608, Chicago, Illinois, US


Evanston, IL, USA
6 more specific film locations in Evanston, Illinois, US
3 movies & TV shows filmed here in Evanston, Illinois, US

Highland Park

Highland Park, IL 60035, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Highland Park, Illinois, US


Highwood, IL 60040, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Highwood, Illinois, US


2455 Augusta Way, Aurora, IL 60506, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in IHOP, Aurora, Illinois, US


Kankakee, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Kankakee, Illinois, US

Kendall County

Kendall County, IL, USA
2 movies & TV shows filmed here in Kendall County, Illinois, US

Lake Forest

Lake Forest, IL, USA
1 more specific film locations in Lake Forest, Illinois, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Lake Forest, Illinois, US


Lincolnwood, IL 60712, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Lincolnwood, Illinois, US


McHenry, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in McHenry, Illinois, US


Millington, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Millington, Illinois, US


Na-Au-Say Township, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Na-Au-Say, Illinois, US


Northfield, IL, USA
1 more specific film locations in Northfield, Illinois, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Northfield, Illinois, US

Oak Brook

Oak Brook, IL 60523, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Oak Brook, Illinois, US

Oak Park

Oak Park, IL, USA
1 more specific film locations in Oak Park, Illinois, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Oak Park, Illinois, US


Oswego, IL, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Oswego, Illinois, US


Peotone, IL 60468, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Peotone, Illinois, US
Movies filmed in Illinois
Bad Santa 2 poster

Bad Santa 2


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Holidate poster



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The Batman poster

The Batman


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