Explore 23 Michigan filming locations

1005 Lincoln Avenue

1 movie or TV show filmed here in 1005 Lincoln Avenue, USA

143 E. Main Street

1 movie or TV show filmed here in 143 E. Main Street, USA


Alpena, MI 49707, USA
1 more specific film locations in Alpena, Michigan, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Alpena, Michigan, US


Birmingham, MI, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Birmingham, Michigan, US

Broad Art Museum

547 E Circle Dr, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Broad Art Museum, East Lansing, Michigan, US

Detroit, Michigan

Detroit, MI, USA
8 more specific film locations in Detroit, Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Detroit, Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, US

Grand Rapids, Michigan

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Kellogg Park

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Kellogg Park, USA


Kincheloe, Kinross Charter Twp, MI 49788, USA
1 more specific film locations in Kincheloe, Kinross Charter Township, Michigan, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Kincheloe, Kinross Charter Township, Michigan, US


Metamora, MI 48455, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Metamora, Michigan, US

Michigan State University

Michigan, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Michigan State University, Michigan, US


Niles, MI 49120, USA
1 more specific film locations in Niles, Michigan, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Niles, Michigan, US

Orion Oaks County Park

Orion Oaks County Park, 2301 Clarkston Rd, Lake Orion, MI 48360, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Orion Oaks County Park, Orion Township, Michigan, US


Pontiac, MI, USA
2 more specific film locations in Pontiac, Michigan, US
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Pontiac, Michigan, US

Sault Ste. Marie

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US

Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Upper Peninsula of Michigan, MI, USA
1 movie or TV show filmed here in Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Michigan, US

West Olive, Michigan

1 movie or TV show filmed here in West Olive, Michigan, USA

Woodworth Middle School

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Woodworth Middle School, USA

Zeeland, Michigan

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Movies filmed in Michigan
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice poster

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


More specific Michigan filming locations:

Only the Lonely poster

Only the Lonely

Deadpool poster



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