Browse 5878 filming locations
Featuring 1 movies & TV shows filmed in Nantgwynant
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life
More specific Nantgwynant filming locations:
- Amboseli National Park, Kajiado County, KE Hellsgate National Park, Kenya
- China
- England, GB
- Greece
- Hatfield House, Hatfield, England, GB Lara Croft Mansion
- Hatfield, England, GB
- Hertfordshire, England, GB
- Hong Kong
- Kenya
- Nantgwynant, Caernarfon, Wales, GB Chinese village
- Santorini, Thira, GR Opening scene
- Snowdonia, Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales, GB China
- United Kingdom
- Wales, GB