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Explore 10 Ohio filming locations
Brecksville, OH 44141, USA
Central Union Terminal
Central Union Plaza, Toledo, OH 43604, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Mansfield, OH, USA
Movies filmed in Ohio
A Christmas Story
More specific Ohio filming locations:
- 3159 W. 11th Street, Cleveland, Ohio, US Exterior of Ralphie's house
- Cleveland, Ohio, US
- Higbee's Department Store, Cleveland, Ohio, US
- Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, US Christmas parade scene
- Tremont, Cleveland, Ohio, US
Air Force One
More specific Ohio filming locations:
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, US Presidential palace, Kazakhstan
- Cleveland, Ohio, US
- Mansfield Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio, US Russian prison scene
- Rickenbacker Airport, Columbus, Ohio, US Ramstein AFB, Germany scenes
The Shawshank Redemption
More specific Ohio filming locations:
- Mansfield Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio, US The prison that is used in the large panning scene, and used for the wardens office.