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Explore 33 Oregon filming locations
8031 NW Skyline Blvd. Portland
8031 NW Skyline Blvd, Portland, OR 97229, USA
Agness, OR 97406, USA
Bend, OR, USA
Benham Falls
Benham Falls, Oregon 97702, USA
Brookings, OR 97415, USA
Columbia River Gorge
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon 97031, USA
Coos Bay
Coos Bay, OR, USA
Culver, OR 97734, USA
Deschutes National Forest
Deschutes National Forest, Oregon 97703, USA
Eagle Cap Wilderness Area
Eagle Cap Wilderness, Lostine, OR 97814, USA
Enterprise, OR 97828, USA
Gold Beach
Gold Beach, OR 97444, USA
Joseph, OR 97846, USA
Mount Hood National Forest
Mt Hood National Forest, Oregon 97028, USA
Mount Howard
Mount Howard, Oregon 97846, USA
Paulina Creek
Paulina Creek, Oregon 97739, USA
Portland, OR, USA
Redmond, OR 97756, USA
Sahalie Falls
Sahalie Falls, Oregon 97413, USA
Smith Rock State Park
Smith Rock State Park, Terrebonne, OR 97760, USA
Timberline Lodge
27500 E Timberline Road, Government Camp, OR 97028, USA
Wahclella Falls
Wahclella Falls, Oregon 97014, USA
Movies filmed in Oregon
More specific Oregon filming locations:
- 11 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, Oregon, US Exterior of building is shown in a montage of Portland locations
- 208 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon, US Lunch scene at Eurydice. In real life this location was, at the time, a portion of the Saucebox restaurant.
- Aegean Lot, Portland, Oregon, US Outdoor location where Rob angrily ends his partnership with Amir
- Broadway Bridge, Portland, Oregon, US
- Portland, Oregon, US
- Skyline Tavern, Portland, Oregon, US Where Rob used the phone and later dined with Amir
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
More specific Oregon filming locations:
- 3501 N Michigan Avenue, Portland, Oregon, US The family's temporary house
- 5402 SE 37th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, US The family's house
- Bend, Oregon, US
- Benham Falls, Oregon, US Sassy caught in the rapids
- Brooklyn Intermodal Rail Yard, Portland, Oregon, US Train yard
- Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, US
- Deschutes National Forest, Oregon, US
- Eagle Cap Wilderness Area, Lostine, Oregon, US
- Freels Ranch, Enterprise, Oregon, US Kate's ranch
- Hickman Butte Fire Lookout Tower, Oregon, US Lookout tower
- Hixon Bridge, Bend, Oregon, US Covered bridge; demolished in 2019
- Joseph, Oregon, US
- Metolius Balancing Rocks, Culver, Oregon, US Mountain lion chase
- Metropolitan Learning Center, Portland, Oregon, US Interior of kids' school
- Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, US
- Mount Howard, Oregon, US "Where's the house?" scene
- Paulina Creek, Oregon, US Crossing the river
- Portland, Oregon, US San Francisco scenes
- Redmond, Oregon, US Opening shot; coordinates for shot: 44°16'14.7"N, 121°10'13.5"W
- Sahalie Falls, Oregon, US Sassy goes over the waterfall
- Smith Rock State Park, Terrebonne, Oregon, US Introduction of the mountain lion
- Wahclella Falls, Oregon, US They find the little girl
- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Baker City, Oregon, US
- Willamette National Forest, Oregon, US