Browse 5878 filming locations
Featuring 1 movies & TV shows filmed in Petros
October Sky
More specific Petros filming locations:
- Fountain City Elementary School, Knoxville, Tennessee, US School exterior
- Gresham Middle School, Knoxville, Tennessee, US Football scenes
- Harriman, Tennessee, US Kingston TVA Fossil Plant, railroad scenes, bus station, late night hangout exterior
- Jacobs Building, Knoxville, Tennessee, US Science fair building
- Knoxville, Tennessee, US
- Oak Ridge, Tennessee, US
- Oliver Springs, Tennessee, US Business and residence locations
- Petros, Tennessee, US Main set for coal-mining town
- Tennessee Valley Railroad, Chattanooga, Tennessee, US
- Tennessee, US
- United States
- Wartburg, Tennessee, US As Cape Coalwood - site of slate dump where rockets were launched.