Browse 5878 filming locations
Featuring 1 movies & TV shows filmed in University of California
Ant-Man and the Wasp
More specific University of California filming locations:
- 1400 18th Street, San Francisco, California, US Scott's house
- 200 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, Georgia, US Hope meets Burch, deal gone wrong
- 76 Peachtree Street Southwest, Atlanta, Georgia, US X-Con office
- 774 Virginia Avenue Northeast Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, US Cassie's school
- 840 Clemont Dr NE, Atlanta, Georgia, US Maggie's house
- Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, US
- Berkeley, California, US
- California, US
- Central Ave & MLK Drive, Atlanta, Georgia, US Hope throws giant Hello Kitty PEZ dispenser on rider
- Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, US Bill Foster's office and classroom
- Fayetteville, Georgia, US
- Georgia, US
- Harrison Street, Oakland, California, US Hope brings Scott to Pym's lab
- Hawaii, US
- Pier 39, San Francisco, California, US
- Pinewood Atlanta Studios, Fayetteville, Georgia, US Filmed at
- San Francisco, California, San Francisco, California, US
- Savannah, Georgia, US
- United States
- University of California, Berkeley, California, US Characters walk in through main gate