Browse 5878 filming locations
Explore 1 Westmoreland County filming location
Stratford Hall Plantation
483 Great House Rd, Stratford, VA 22558, USA
Featuring 1 movies & TV shows filmed in Westmoreland County
The Patriot
More specific Westmoreland County filming locations:
- Botany Bay Plantation, Edisto Island, South Carolina, US
- Brattonsville, McConnells, South Carolina, US Continental Encampment
- Charleston, South Carolina, US
- Chester, South Carolina, US
- College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, US
- Cypress Gardens, Moncks Corner, South Carolina, US Old Spanish Mission Black Swamp Militia HQ
- Darby Farm, South Carolina, US
- Fort Lawn, South Carolina, US King's Highway Skirmish
- Georgetown, South Carolina, US
- Lowrys, South Carolina, US Battle of Camden, Benjamin Martin's farm and town of Pembroke
- Middletown Place, Charleston, South Carolina, US
- Rock Hill, South Carolina, US Revolutionary War Re-enactment battles
- Stratford Hall Plantation, Stratford, Virginia, US British headquarters
- York, South Carolina, US