Explore 1 Woodstock filming location

Etowah High School

1 movie or TV show filmed here in Etowah High School, USA
Movies filmed in Woodstock
Noelle poster


G 11/12/2019
Remember the Titans poster

Remember the Titans


More specific Woodstock filming locations:

  • Etowah High School, USA Football stadium; some scenes are filmed at Etowah High School in Woodstock Georgia.field and statuim in the first scene in the 1970's, when they are practicing before camp and before school, the first time you see any of them on the field, that is at Etowah High school. and during the game when the people in the stands are dressed for cold weather, that is also at the staduim of Etowah High school.
TV Series filmed in Woodstock
Ozark poster


TV-MA 11/11/2024

More specific Woodstock filming locations: