22 Filming locations for Ted

R 06/29/2012

Fenway Park

4 Jersey St, Boston, MA 02215, USA
2 movies & TV shows filmed here in Fenway Park, Boston, Massachusetts, US

Boston Common

John and Ted go to the park to celebrate Ted's job.

Chelsea, Massachusetts

Chelsea, MA 02150, USA
3 more specific film locations in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Chelsea, Massachusetts, US
3 movies & TV shows filmed here in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Chelsea, Massachusetts, US

Norwood, Massachusetts

1 more specific film locations in Norwood, Massachusetts, USA

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, MA, USA
9 more specific film locations in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, US
12 movies & TV shows filmed here in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, US


Massachusetts, USA
77 more specific film locations in Massachusetts, US
18 movies & TV shows filmed here in Massachusetts, US

United States of America

United States
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472 movies & TV shows filmed here in United States